NA body approves duration of appeal against death sentence

Duration of appeal extended to 30 days from seven days



The National Assembly Standing Committee on Law and Justice on Tuesday approved a bill seeking extension in the duration of appeal against the death sentence.

According to the bill, the duration of appeal has been extended to 30 days from seven days.

The panel also deferred the bills regarding amendment in Article 51 of the Constitution to grant women and minorities the right to directly contest the election and amendment in NA speaker’s oath until the next meeting.

The NA panel on law and justice met under the chairmanship of Riaz Fatyana.

The committee approved the bill seeking extension in the duration of appeal against the death sentence from the sessions court or high court to 30 days from seven days.

Parliamentarian Javed Hussain of the PML-N had moved the bill which called for an amendment in Article 150 of the Constitution.

The committee members highlighted that the amendment was needed as the time period of seven days to file an appeal was too short after the lapse of which the convict was sentenced to death.

The NA body also discussed the amendment in Article 51 of the Constitution to grant the women and minorities right to directly contest the election.

The ECP adopted the stance that an amendment in Section 104 of the election law would be required for the purpose.

Opposing the bill, PML-N’s Mehmood Bashir Virk asked how separate seats could be reserved for all the minorities.

Lawmaker Malik Farooq Azam opined that political parties always issued tickets to rich people from the minorities.

The committee chairman noted that a new draft of the bill would be presented and asked the panel members to hold consultations within their parties in this regard.

Nafisa Shah of the PPP demanded that legislation should be done where the NA speaker could be elected from the opposition.

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