Court grants permission for exhumation

According to the verdict, the prosecution can take action for exhumation and postmortem in accordance with the law

A local court issued the written verdict on Friday, granting the police’s request for permission to exhume the grave of the female doctor who died by suicide in Gizri and conduct a second postmortem. The South judicial magistrate announced the verdict at Karachi city court, stating that the court has no objection over the exhumation of the grave. The investigation officer of the case maintained in the plea that the initial medical report suggests that the bullet penetrated M*’s head from the left and exited from the right side but the petitioner in the case has raised objections over the report claiming that it is flawed. According to the verdict, the prosecution can take action for exhumation and postmortem in accordance with the law and the court cannot interfere in the investigations.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 12th, 2020.

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