Back to Work Precautions amid Coronavirus pandemic

Here's how you can practice caution if you're heading back to work

As the lockdown restrictions are being lifted across the world in order to save the economy, more and more people are gearing up to return to work. If you’ve been working remotely the thought of returning back to work can be daunting. After all, even if the restrictions are eased it doesn’t mean the cases or the virus itself has disappeared.

The uncertainty and unpredictability of the current situation can lead to fear and anxiety especially since a vaccine fit to fight the coronavirus can take months or a year or more to be ready. Which is why taking precautions and following protocols is extremely important.

While all the employers must ensure that everyone follows the precautions made compulsory by the government which includes thermal scanning, sanitising your hands, maintaining a six ft distance and wearing face masks it is important to be extra cautious and save yourself as much as possible from the possibility of getting exposed to the virus.

Here are ways you can be extra careful and take precautions:

