Security beefed up in twin cities

Search operations, flag marches conducted

Police hold a flag march in Islamabad on Monday as part of Muharram security measures. PHOTO: APP


Security in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi has been beefed up as Muharram 9 and 10 approaches. Search operations and flag marches are being conducted in the two neighbouring cities while snap checking and pickets have been set up along the roads.

In the federal capital, the police issued a new security plan on Monday whereby a staggering 15,000 security personnel will be deputed around the city including officials of the Islamabad Police, Pakistan Rangers and Frontier Corps (FC). In a video message on Monday, Islamabad Police Deputy Inspector General-Operations Waqaruddin Syed said that they have finalised comprehensive security arrangements for processions, religious congregations during Muharram apart from ensuring the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) issued by the government to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).

Further, DIG Syed said that police and district administration have conducted meetings with the organisers of various gatherings and processions to ensure they are conducted as per the schedule and to provide adequate security to them. Patrolling officers must conduct a visit of all the routes of Muharram processions and Imambargahs and rooftops to be covered by the police officials. Lady Police would be deputed for the female gatherings while police officers and Jawans would perform security duties outside the Imambargahs.

The DIG has also asked all SPs, SDPOs to take steps to curb hateful wall chalking or pasting of posters.

All SHOs will get complete information about volunteers performing security duties. Peace committees will be asked to ensure that no stranger is allowed to stay in worship places for long due to security reasons. Meanwhile, Islamabad Police Inspector General Aamir Zulfiqar Khan has placed a ban on the transfer and holidays of police personnel in the federal capital for the next 10 days to ensure complete vigilance for Muharram.

Flag march

Meanwhile, another flag march was conducted in the federal capital on Monday. Additional SP Farhat Kazmi led the march which was participated by SDPOs, SHOs of different police stations, personnel of the Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP), Bravo vehicles, police commandos, Rescue 15 personnel and police patrolling officials. The march commenced from the Pakistan Sports Complex and culminated at the same point after passing through various areas of the Saddar police Zone.

Pindi search operations

The RA Bazaar police conducted a search operation near the Garoti bus stop in the garrison city on Monday. As many as 310 people were searched, including 83 tenants and their tenancy data.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 25th, 2020.

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