The TEdit guide to layering your skincare

Does it really matter if you apply your face oil before your moisturiser? The answer is yes.

Does it really matter if you apply your face oil before your moisturiser? The answer is yes. You might own the best skincare products out there but if you’re applying them in the wrong order you’re wasting your time and money without getting proper results. By applying your skincare products in the proper order you ensure that your skin receives the full benefits of each product.

The 4 Rules of Layering

It can be confusing to figure out in what order to apply your products to get effective results.

Here are the famous four rules of layering:

Thinnest to thickest texture:

Move in the direction by applying the products from light to heavy. Always start with the most watery (thinnest) products, such as toners and serums. Then comes the more moisturising ones like lotions, creams and then oils which can be followed by a sunscreen.

Water-based before oil-based:

Oil can block water from penetrating because oil and water don’t mix. That means water based products must be applied first. Let them absorb into your skin and then follow by applying oil based products on top.

Lowest to highest pH:

This can be a little confusing but if you’re using active ingredients it’s important to have a rough idea of their pH levels and go from the lowest pH level product to the highest. In simple words apply acidic products before applying neutral ones.

Low and high pH products don’t mix:

If your skincare consists of products with active ingredients you can apply them at the same time but if there’s a little gap in their pH levels try waiting 30 minutes in between them or use them at different time of day and night.

Order of Skincare Products

1. Cleanser

It is important to cleanse your skin especially if there’s residue left on your skin from the products you used the night before.

2. Exfoliator

If you don’t want to use very harsh products on your skin due to skin sensitivity or otherwise you can buff away dead skin cells gently and manually. Try a silicone cleansing brush and a non-abrasive scrub.

3. Toner

Toners can be helpful especially if you’ve used a creamy cleanser which leaves a little layer on your skin. It is to make sure that all traces of cleanser are removed from your skin.

4. Eye Cream

The eye area doesn’t produce oil on its own since it doesn’t have oil glands so it’s important you give this area some extra hydration. You can use your regular moisturiser or you can use an eye cream.

5. Moisturiser

Not everyone needs a moisturiser. But if you have dry areas or overall dry skin it is important to keep your skin hydrated and moisturised.

6. Face Oil

This should be your last step. That’s because oils have properties which can lock the benefits of other products and prevent the moisture from escaping. Oil can also act like a barrier to protect your skin from dirt.

7. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a must! If you’re not a skincare junkie, even then sunscreen is a must. It is the most important skincare product that needs to be applied every day all year round. They are at high enough concentrations which easily gives you the best possible UVA and UVB protection.

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