Newly-wed couple found with throats slit in Karachi

Woman’s brothers confess to the double murder

The bodies were taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for medico-legal formalities


The bodies of a newly-wed couple were found with their throats slit from a house in Nazimabad on Saturday. The slain woman’s brothers were arrested by the police just three hours later, confessing to the murders.

According to Central SSP Arif Aslam Rao, Saleem Saeen had married Aisha four months ago against her family’s will. He added that the couple had met at Saeen’s astana (the place where he offered services as a pir), which Aisha used to visit along with her mother.

Rao further disclosed that Aisha’s real name was Hina, but she had changed it in order to avoid getting identified by her family after marrying Saeen.

While the police initially suspected the involvement of multiple murderers, they later arrested Aisha’s brothers, Ashraf and Asif. Rao stated that they had murdered their sister and brother-in-law because of their marriage.

The bodies were taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for medico-legal formalities. The police also found a blood stained knife from the house, which they shared with another family.

According to a resident of the house, the power supply in the area had been suspended when they heard shouts coming from the couple’s portion. She added that when her husband went to check on the couple, he discovered their blood-soaked bodies and informed the police.

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