Fawad questions Ruet’s decision for Zilhaj moon

Says ban on internet-based apps will ‘destroy Pakistan’s technology’ industry

Science and Technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry. PHOTO: FILE


Science and Technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry on Wednesday questioned the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee’s decision for Zilhaj moon sighting, according to which Eidul Azha will be celebrated on August 1 across the country.

“The Zilhaj moon has not been sighted and Eidul Azha will be celebrated across the country on Saturday, August 1,” Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee Chairman Mufti Muneebur Rehman announced on Tuesday.

Irked by the decision, the minister posted a picture of the crescent on his Twitter handle and asked the people to decide themselves.

Fawad said: “Does the moon stay in the sky for so long after the sun sets? Let the people decide for themselves…”

The minister, earlier on Tuesday, had claimed in a tweet that the moon of Zilhaj 1441 Hijri has been born and would be visible in Karachi and its surrounding areas.

Meanwhile, in another tweet, he said that the ban on internet-based apps will ‘destroy Pakistan’s technology’ industry thus hampering it’s development permanently.

“The courts and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority must stay away from moral policing and ban approach. Such bans on internet-based apps will destroy Pakistan’s technology industry and development of technology will be permanently hampered,” the minister said.

“We are still not out of the woods because of the judges’ illadvised interference in economic matters,” Fawad added.

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