PM’s ‘Green Stimulus’ package for Covid-idled workers lauded

Int’l environmental organisation terms initiative as an 'excellent example of crisis being turned into opportunity'

PHOTO COURTESY: Shahid Rashid Awan, Project Director TBTTP Punjab


Normandy Chair for Peace – an international environmental organisation – has lauded Prime Minister Imran Khan’s initiative of providing employment opportunities to Covid-idled workers through his government’s ‘Green Stimulus’ package.

In April, PM Imran had approved the programme as part of the government’s efforts to extend green cover in the county and to create job opportunities for the youth, particularly in the wake of coronavirus crisis.

The Green Stimulus package, as part of 10 Billion Tree Tsunami project, aims to promote plantation, setting up nurseries, natural forests and promotion of honey, fruit and olive plantation in the country.

“We write to congratulate and commend your good self and your administration for the wonderful initiative to engage your people unemployed by Covid crisis,” reads the letter written to PM Imran, a copy of which is available with The Express Tribune.

The organisation termed the initiative as an “excellent example of crisis being turned into an opportunity”.

PM okays package for green cover, job opportunities amid Covid-19 crisis

The letter said the prime minister’s initiative proved that the major challenges including unemployment, deforested mountains, depleting groundwater sources, malnutrition and climate change can be tackled in “one sweep”.

The Green Stimulus plan, also a part of the new economy that seeks to conserve, protect and restore the Land, Air and Waters (LAW) of Life also known as, CPR economy, said the organisation in the letter.

The participation of children and women for the tree-plantation was also appreciated, saying “who would otherwise be doing nothing worthwhile, thereby losing dignity”.

The letter also said that the initiative was also in line with the many UN Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) such as Zero Hunger, Gender Equality, Decent Works and others.

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