Senior officer escapes action after graft probe

Rescue 1122 deputy director, technician fired for fuel embezzlement


Contrary to recommendations in an inquiry report of Punjab Home Department over a fuel embezzlement scam, the Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 has spared a senior officer from serious disciplinary action during a departmental inquiry.

Only a censure has been issued to the second senior most officer of the service, Academy Registrar Dr Farhan Khalid. An officer alleged that a rule regarding seniority and rank for inquiries had been ignored in the case.

On the other hand, Deputy Director (R&M) Engineer Shakeel Ahmad and Electric Technician Irfan Hassan were dismissed from the job.

Hassan, in a complaint before the special secretary home, had already expressed similar fear. In the complaint, he had stated that he had been suspended from job and a ‘fake’ inquiry committee had been constituted. However, an independent inquiry by the Home Department had already been conducted.

The inquiry conducted by the Home Department had held academy Registrar Dr Farhan Khalid, Deputy Director Shakeel Ahmad and Electric Technician Irfan Hassan responsible for the scam.

Its finding held the registrar, deputy director and technician “in the chain of command responsible to ensure proper maintenance of fuel record (collection/ consumption) and repair/maintenance of generator”.

It had recommended action against all the three officials. “Necessary action should be initiated against officials mentioned.”

Rescue 1122 spokesperson Deeba Shahnaz said the Home Department had not written to the emergency service for any action. Rather, the inquiry officer had informed his seniors about the findings or proceedings of the inquiry.

She added that the inquiry by Rescue 1122 was initiated against fuel embezzlement and not Farhan Khalid specifically so the rule of an inquiry by two ranks senior did not apply in the case.

She added that the department had taken serious action against the officials involved in the scam. Farhan Khalid had a supervisory role and was not directly responsible as being the registrar of the academy he was looking after many matters. He has been issued censure.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 16th, 2020.

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