Citizens irked by power outages as mercury soars in Karachi

Weather predicted to remain hot and humid in most districts of Sindh

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The port city continues to suffer from unannounced load-shedding amid a heatwave, with the temperature rising to 38 degrees Celsius.

Citizens of Karachi continued to suffer as the power outages were reported from many areas and certain localities are also facing an acute water shortage. People claim of hours-long outages, with the duration extending beyond scheduled load shedding hours.

The Met office has predicted hot and humid weather in most districts of the province for the coming days. However, Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir experienced a pleasant change in weather due to rain on Tuesday, whereas Sindh and Balochistan are in the grip of a heatwave.

Earlier, disgruntled citizens staged demonstrations in various areas against hours long load shedding and water shortage.

The federal government has also announced that it was ready to provide 500MW additional electricity to K-Electric (KE) from the national grid to end prolonged power cuts in Karachi. However, it dismissed KE’s claim that there was a shortage of furnace oil in the market and attributed the power outages in the city to the power company’s system constraints.






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