PM Imran predicts June, July as difficult months for Pakistan

Premier assures of transparency in Ehsaas programmes


Prime Minister Imran Khan reiterated on Monday that the months of June and July will be difficult for Pakistan with regards to the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

We will incrementally increase shelter homes in Pakistan, he said, referring to the Centre's plans to provide relief to lower-income groups, which have been hit hard by the financial impact of the virus.

The premier insisted that the people of Pakistan are charitable and passionate in their desire to give, and the government only has to ensure confidence [of the public].

People start sending food themselves to shelter homes, said the prime minister and he assured that transparency will be ensured in the relief and Ehsaas programmes.

The government will identify spots where shelter homes are needed, and channels will be set up to allow philanthropists to offer sponsorships for the same.

The premier also thanked Dr Sania Nishtar for her work on the Ehsaas programme, and credited the initiative, as well as the decision to reopen the construction sector, for the condition in Pakistan not being "as bad as in India".

He reiterated that the government's challenge is to ensure that the wheels of the economy keep running while at the same time the public is made aware of the SOPs needed to control the spread of the pandemic.

Referring to the all-volunteer based Tiger Force, the premier said it was active and has been reaching out in areas identified as virus hot spots.

Earlier, the prime minister said it is a fact that the virus will spread and the “the trend our experts have observed is that it spreads, then peaks after a few weeks and then the curve will flatten”.

“The purpose of flattening the curve is to ease the pressure on hospitals,” explained the premier while addressing the nation on state television.

“We can manage the pandemic if we observe the SOPs in place and take precautions,” the premier had urged the people.

“We expect our peak to come by the end of July or August and then we will witness a reduction in transmission of new cases.”