‘India targets Kashmiris, threatens Pakistan to hide discomfiture from China’

AJK president strongly condemns the killing of nine youth by Indian troops in Occupied Kashmir within 24 hours

AJK president strongly condemns the killing of nine youth by Indian troops in Occupied Kashmir within 24 hours. PHOTO: ANADOLU AGENCY

Strongly condemning the killing of nine youth by Indian troops in Occupied Kashmir within 24 hours, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has said that the occupation forces are making abortive attempts to overcome shame and humiliation it had received from Chinese army in Ladakh.

While reacting over the killing and destruction of private property on a large scale during a so-called operation in Shopian district of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K), he said that a professional army “never indulges in such acts”.

“Brutality is in full swing in the occupied territory. Another nine youth killed in IOJ&K. Mothers are keening and wailing. The remains of fallen youth have not been given to the families. Demonstrators were targeted with pellets and tear gas.”

President Masood also said that the coward Indian army is carrying out the brutalities against the people of occupied region when the whole population of the state is looking towards the government to save their lives from the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). “Through the massacre of Kashmiri people, the foreign occupation forces are giving a message that they want to just occupy the territory at all costs, and to materialise their hegemonic designs by eliminating every form of resistance in the Himalayan region.”

He went on to say that the only fault of the Kashmiri people is that they are demanding their right to decide their future destiny. This right, he said, had been recognised by the international community through the UN resolutions that founders of India Mahatma Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru had also recognised.

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”Those at the helm of affairs in India, now have no care about the human rights and human values as they want to deprive all Indian minorities of their rights, and want to establish a Hindu state which would have no space for the non-Hindus.”

President Masood also expressed grave concern that India is using the lockdown enforced in the wake of Covid-19, as a shield to hide the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri people. “The Kashmiri youth are the favourite targets of India and a large number of them are being killed or subjected to the worst torture.”

While declaring the new domicile laws prejudicial to the UN resolutions and Geneva Convention, he said that through “these laws, India intended to change the demography of Jammu and Kashmir eliminating all resistance forces”.

Condemning injuries caused to a 32-year-old woman and a two-year-old girl by the Indian troops in unprovoked firing in Darra Sher Khan Sector of Azad Kashmir, the state president appealed to the United Nations to prevent India from violating national and international laws.

He also appealed to the United Nations to declare India as perpetrators of the crime against humanity in the light of the reports of its military observers on the violations of ceasefire line.
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