Man sets wife, in-laws ablaze over trivial issue

Accused locked victims inside a room before lighting them up


A man set fire to his wife and in-laws over a minor argument in Aslam Colony Joharabad area of Khushab.

Mohammad Ejaz, sprinkled oil and set his wife Noreen Akhtar on fire along with her sister and brother-in-law. The disputing couple was present at the house of Noreen’s brother-in-law Sher Mohammad.

Enraged by the squabble with his wife and in-laws, Ejaz set them ablaze after locking them inside a room.

As a result, all three individual suffered severe burns.

Rescue 1122 personnel shifted the burn victims to District Hospital Joharabad for first aid. They were then referred to Allied Hospital Faisalabad due to their critical condition and absence of burn center in the district hospital.

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One of the victims, Parveen Akhtar, the wife of Sher Mohammad, succumbed to her injuries near Bhalwal on her way to a Faisalabad hospital.

The condition of the other two victims is also said to be critical.

City Police Station Joharabad and Crimes Investigation Agency (CIA) staff in a joint operation arrested the accused Muhammad Ejaz. He was transferred to the police station for detailed investigation.

Family sources revealed that whenever Noreen quarreled with her husband, she would go to her sister’s house for support.

Similar to past incidences, Noreen went to Parveen’s house for consolation after fighting with her husband on Thursday.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 15th, 2020.
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