68-year-old Nigerian woman gives birth to twins

Margarett Adenuga became pregnant after three previous rounds of in vitro fertilisation treatment had failed

IVF involves fertilised eggs being implanted into a woman's womb. PHOTO: CNN

In another miraculous in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure, a 68-year-old Nigerian woman gave birth to twins after the fourth attempt of the procedure.

The woman named Margarett Adenuga gave birth to the children - a boy and a girl by caesarian  at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), reported by CNN.

Her husband Noah Adenuga, 70, revealed that she fell pregnant last year via IVF after three previous rounds of treatment failed. He said that they never gave hope and it turned out positive after a lot of struggle.

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"I am a dreamer, and I was convinced this particular dream of ours will come to pass," he said.

Dr Adeyemi Okunowo, who delivered the babies, said a specialist team was assembled at the hospital to monitor the pregnancy because of her age.

"As an elderly woman and a first-time mother, it was a high-risk pregnancy and also because she was going to have twins but we were able to manage her pregnancy to term," said Okunowo.

IVF involves fertilised eggs being implanted into a woman's womb and it is used to overcome a range of issues than can make it hard for couples to conceive naturally.
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