Jhelum’s isolation centres empty

Several people who had completed their designated isolation periods at quarantine centres have been sent back

Men wear protective mask as a preventive measure against coronavirus, as they stand outside the Isolation ward at the Pakistan Institute of Medial Sciences in Islamabad. PHOTO: REUTERS

The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has stopped prowling in the Jhelum district as the tally of infected patients ground to a halt at 62.

Several people who had completed their designated isolation periods at quarantine centres have been sent back to their homes and two of the three quarantine centres set up in the district are now empty.

Officials said that many of those who were infected have been released after making full recoveries, adding that the remaining ones are expected to be discharged soon.

So far, three deaths from the virus have been reported from Jhelum district with Raja Amjad the latest casualty.

At the onset of the epidemic in the district, an expatriate, who tested positive for the coronavirus, had infected 14 healthy people in Jhelum. 

Published in The Express Tribune, April 21st, 2020.

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