Retailers refuse to follow official rates due to price hike by wholesalers

Demand meeting of district price control committee to fix new rates of commodities


The Rawalpindi retail grocers have strongly reacted to the directives of price magistrates which according to them were unfair because they receive essential items from wholesalers at higher prices and cannot sell it at the official rates.

The wholesale dealers of different commodities including lentils, gram flour and ghee have arbitrarily hiked prices, claimed the Karyana Merchant Association (KMA) President Pervaiz Butt on Saturday.

Butt said that the shopkeepers, who just keep a profit margin up to Rs5, were forced to sell commodities at exorbitant prices to the people. He added that the price magistrates have started imposing heavy fines on them and incidents of fights between the retailers and price magistrates in different markets have become a regular practice.

The KMA president demanded to summon a meeting of district price control committee to fix new rates of the essential commodities, contending that they were unable to sell the items in question on official rates when they are being supplied at higher rates. He said the district administration should fix new rates and impose it.

The traders’ representative said that even utility stores were selling split Bengal gram at Rs160 per kilogramme (kg) while the administration had fixed its rates as Rs145 per kg. “How can we sell it at Rs145 per kg when we buy it at Rs160 per kg?

The KMA leader warned that all grocers in the Rawalpindi district would shut their shops if the government did not meet their demand regarding revision of retail prices corresponding to the hike in wholesale rates.

Butt noted that even the wholesale prices of sugar per kg had increased to as high as Rs81, adding that the price magistrates do not even regard the purchase receipts showed by them.

In response, the magistrates ask them to refer the matter to Rawalpindi Deputy Commissioner (DC) Anwarul Haq and allege that they had orders from DC for meeting a daily target of challans. The official demanded DC to take notice of the situation. Moreover, the traders’ leader refused to pay fines onward and warned of an indefinite shutter down strike if any shopkeeper was held or sent to prison. The demands made by KMA President were also backed by the Anjuman Tajiran President Ghulam Qadir.

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Rawalpindi DC has directed the relevant authorities to remain vigilant and take strict action against profiteers and hoarders to ensure the provision of all edible items to the general public.

The DC said that in the wake of Covid-19, those involved in illegal profiteering and hoarding during this difficult time would be dealt with iron hand.

DC Haq urged the public to check the price of edibles and if they found anyone involved in profiteering or hoarding, they could register their complaints at App "Qeemat Punjab" or helpline number 0800-02345.

According to price list of the district government, potato is available Rs42 to 44 per kg, onion Rs52 to 54 per kg, tomato Rs30 to 32 per kg, ginger Rs280 to 310 per kg, cucumber Rs25 per kg, peas Rs98 per kg garlic (China) Rs320 to 350 per kg, capsicum Rs55 to 70 per kg, cauliflower Rs24 to 28 per kg, brinjal Rs20 to 26 per kg, lady finger Rs105 to 125, peas Rs50 per kg, turnip Rs22 to 26 per kg while fruits including apple Rs80 to180 per kg, guava Rs78 per kg, banana Rs55 to 90 per dozen, dates Rs230 per Kg, strawberry Rs130 per kg and orange Rs70-160 per dozen, Similarly, chicken meat at Rs160 per kg and eggs at Rs118 per dozen are the prices for these items.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 12th, 2020.
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