Policeman guns down pregnant woman, sister in Sanghar

Family claims cop used to harass one of the slain women, was enraged, drunk after they complained to police

Family claims cop used to harass one of the slain women, was enraged, drunk after they complained to police. PHOTO: REUTERS

A policeman shot dead two young women, one of whom was pregnant, and injured their aunt in Tando Adam town of Sanghar district on Thursday evening.

The family of the victims told the police that constable Ali Raza Yousufzai killed the sisters after the family had filed a complaint about him harassing one of the slain women.

The incident occurred in Chandio Colony, at the residence of Gulsher Memon, whose wife, 24-year-old Maria Shaikh, was one of those murdered. Ayesha Shaikh alias Aashi, 21, also died on the spot, while their aunt Parveen Shaikh, 45, sustained critical injuries and was shifted to Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad, for treatment.

“Yousufzai used to harass Aashi. After we complained to the DSP, he became furious,” claimed Lalu Shaikh, the father of the deceased, who led a protest with his daughters’ bodies outside the local press club. He said that though they had also complained to the constable’s family, he did not change his behaviour.

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“He was enraged and drunk when he entered our home and killed my wife and sister-in-law,” said Memon, on whose behalf the case was registered.

Both Lalu and Memon blamed the police for failing to take timely action to stop the harassment.

The Tando Adam police arrested Yousufzai on Thursday night and also recovered the pistol used for the shooting. His arrest was declared on Friday and he is to be produced before the judicial magistrate for remand on Saturday.

The bodies were taken to the taluka hospital for the postmortem.
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