Medical staff faces risk of coronavirus in Multan

Nurses, paramedics protest over lack of safety kits


Staff deployed at Nishtar Hospital for the treatment of coronavirus suspects and patients is now suspected to be infected while treating patients without protective kits. A staff member working at the hospital’s isolation ward is currently under treatment on suspicion of coronavirus.

Young nurses and paramedics protested on not providing protective kits by the administration. As per details obtained by The Express Tribune, certain members of the hospital’s staff are currently being treated in said isolation ward due to suspicion of coronavirus. Doctors of different wards in Multan Nishtar Hospital are reportedly getting infected.

On Monday, Paramedics Association Shaheen Unity Officer Ward Servant Hamraz Niazi, who was on duty in the isolation ward, had been admitted to the ward on suspicion of coronavirus. In this regard, Young Nurses’ Association (YNA) visited the ward to encourage their fellow nurses working in the isolation ward at the hospital.

However, officials remarked that the conditions in which the medical staff is working, in the isolation ward, is unfortunate. In the isolation ward, where eight suspected cases of coronavirus are admitted, nurses are on duty with a simple, disposable mask.

There is no disposal gown let alone the safety kits needed while treating the coronavirus patients. The YNA met with the hospital’s medical superintendent (MS) and shared their concerns for the provision of safety kits. However, according to the MS, the hospital’s administration was unable to obtain the safety kits from anywhere.

Meanwhile, Paramedics Association Shaheen Unity President Rana Aamir said that paramedics were admitted in the isolation ward on suspicion of being infected with coronavirus. “We are all ready to perform our duties but the lives of our paramedics are at risk. The government should take a step and encourage us by providing us the kits at least.”

Published in The Express Tribune, March 25th, 2020.

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