Trump's notes reveal 'corona' virus crossed out, replaced with 'Chinese' virus

After consulting medical experts, it has been determined that the term 'Chinese virus' is considered inaccurate

PHOTO: Twitter

A photograph of US President Donald Trump’s notes from his coronavirus briefing shows the word 'corona' in coronavirus crossed out with a black marker and replaced with the word 'Chinese', reported The Independent. 

The photograph, posted on Twitter by a staff photographer for The Washington Post, showed Trump’s opening statements for a White House press briefing on the novel coronavirus.

In the picture, Trump had crossed out the word 'corona' and written 'Chinese' above it.

"Thank you all for being here, and we continue our relentless effort to defeat the 'Chinese virus,'" he said.


US, China accuse each other of coronavirus fear-mongering

According to CNN, after consulting with medical experts and the World Health Organisation, it has been determined that the term "Chinese virus" is considered inaccurate and stigmatising.

The United States and China have butted heads in the past over the origin of the virus, with Trump referring to the pathogen as the 'Chinese Virus' and Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian suggesting the pandemic may have come from the US Army.

“It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation,” tweeted Zhao.

Scientists suspect that the virus first came to humans at a meat market in Wuhan that butchered exotic animals.



