Punjab govt bans inter-provincial public transport heading towards Sindh

COVID-19 has claimed two lives and affected more than 300 people in the country


The Punjab government on Thursday banned all inter-provincial public transport heading towards Sindh as a precautionary measure to limit the spread of coronavirus, which has claimed two lives and affected over 300 people in the country.

“In view of preventive measures to be adopted for containment of coronavirus, it has been decided to immediately stop all inter-provincial public transport heading towards Sindh in the larger public interest till further orders,” said the notification issued by Punjab Provincial Transport Authority.


The entry of tourists and visitors to recreational spots including tourism in Murree and other places has been suspended while shopping malls will be closed at 10:00pm. Only general stores, pharmacies and factories will remain open.

Partial lockdown in Sindh, Punjab, K-P as Pakistan fights COVID-19

In wake of a surge in novel coronavirus cases across the country, provincial governments set out for a lockdown on Thursday to contain the outbreak.

The deadly pneumonia-like virus, which surfaced in China’s Hubei province late December 2019, has infected over 200,000 people globally with over 9,000 deaths. Although scientists around the globe are developing vaccine and medication, the only defence against the virus currently is preventive measures– self-isolation or quarantine.

Pakistan’s tally of the COVID-19 patients crossed 300 late Wednesday with Punjab confirming a total of 33 cases. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa confirmed two COVID-19 deaths within hours of each other.