CM orders speedy virus testing process

Govt to oversee measures taken by hospitals and isolation centres


Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal while presiding over a meeting on Monday directed the provincial government to increase the testing process of quarantined victims and their efforts in providing relief to coronavirus patients apart from overseeing the steps being taken by various hospitals and isolation centers to tackle this menace.

The meeting was attended by provincial ministers Mir Zia Khan Lango, Zamrak Khan Achakzai, Mir Zahoor Baledi, additional chief secretary Hafiz Abdul Basit, health secretary, director general provincial disaster management authority (DG PDMA), Commissioner and deputy commissioners of Quetta.

The CM also proposed setting up checkpoints on different routes between Quetta and Taftan where relief goods can be provided to people and a strict check can be maintained on cross border infiltration.

He also stressed the need to discourage illegal traffic from neighboring borders and promised strict action against security personnel involved in it.

The chief minister also instructed to issues safety SOPs for officers and personnel deployed at the quarantine centres in Taftan and Quetta.

The health secretary, DG PDMA and Commissioner Quetta briefed the meeting on issues related to coronavirus and the measures taken by the government to tackle it. The meeting was informed that currently there are about 3,000 pilgrims in Taftan out of which 416 pilgrims and traders belong to Balochistan.

The number of pilgrims kept at PCSIR for seven days are126   while the number of pilgrims who arrived three days ago are 414  and  have been provided separate accommodation.

It is pertinent to mention that the provincial health department has the capacity to conduct 50 tests daily and 300 kits are available out of which 160 kits have been used. The meeting also reviewed the availability of transport for sending pilgrims to other provinces from Taftan.

Addressing the meeting, the CM said that coronavirus was not a problem of any constituency or region but a problem of the whole province and it is the incumbent government’s responsibility to deal with it.

He emphasized that provincial ministers should keep in touch with the public and inform them about precautionary measures. The government and public should play their role jointly to get through the ordeal.

Towards the end of the meeting, CM Khan lamented that the health department was destroyed in the past due to wrong policies and mismanagement which required revolutionary changes to improve. “Today we would have a hospital where the best diagnostic and therapeutic facilities were available for corona virus and other infectious diseases if the funds given to the health department had not been embezzled by the previous governments of Balochistan.”

It was also decided to take action against elements involved in financial and moral corruption in the health department. 

Published in The Express Tribune, March 17th, 2020.
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