Human rights activists refer to India's riots as an 'organised massacre' against Muslims

New Delhi police actively helped Hindu mobs burn down Muslim homes, torture Muslim families

PHOTO: Reuters

Two-thirds of the more than 50 people who were brutally killed in India have been identified as Muslims and human rights activists are referring to the ordeal as an 'organised massacre', reported The New York Times.

Kaushar Ali narrated his encounter with New Delhi police on February 24, 2020. He was on his way home, when he was met with Muslim and Hindu mobs hurling rocks at each other. Naturally, Ali turned to police officers for help.

The officers pushed him to the ground and cracked his head. They started beating him, along with other Muslims. The police laughed at them, jabbed them with their sticks and made them sing the national anthem, as the men lay on the ground, begging for them to stop.

Fortunately for him, the ordeal was captured on video.

Kaushar Ali, 49, who was beaten up by Delhi police officers on Feb. 24, was visited by his relatives at a hospital earlier this month. PHOTO: The New York Times

"The police were toying with us," he said, adding that the police said, "Even if we kill you, nothing will happen to us."

The eclipse of shining India

India is suffering from one of the worst sectarian riots in years. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) - under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi - have openly berated Muslims.

Tensions skyrocketed after Modi's government stripped occupied Kashmir of its autonomy and imposed a strict communication blackout, on August 5.

Reports suggest that New Delhi police have actively helped Hindu mobs burn down Muslim homes, torture Muslim families and throw rocks at Muslim protesters.

Journalists of The New York Times overheard police officials yelling for guns to confront the growing mobs. Researchers allege that few officers have purposely been placed on the streets, with inadequate firearms.

A Muslim school principal in Karnataka was jailed for more than two weeks on sedition charges after her students performed a play that police officials believe was criticising of the Indian premier.

Muslims are leaving their neighbourhoods in fear - with more than a thousand already shifting into camps for internally displaced people, on the outskirts of Delhi.

Delhi police deny any bias and said they "acted swiftly to control law and order."

Modi’s annexation of Occupied Kashmir exposed ‘fascist India’

After years of silence, India's Muslim population turned to the streets to protest the new anti-Muslim law - a law that eases the way for religious minorities from three Muslim-majority neighbouring nations to gain Indian citizenship, but not if they are Muslim.

“There’s a method to this madness,” said a Muslim activist Umar Khalid. “The government wants to bring the entire Muslim community to their knees, to beg for their lives and beg for their livelihoods.”

“You can read it in their books. They believe India’s Muslims should live in perpetual fear.”

India has a history of torturing minorities. In 1984, the police in New Delhi stood back as mobs massacred 3,000 Sikhs. In 1993, hundreds of Muslims were killed in Mumbai and in 2002, hundreds of Muslims were brutally murdered in Gujarat.










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