‘Indian illegal detention of innocent Kashmiris needs to be stopped’

Altaf Ahmed Bhat condemns illegal and unjustified arrest of Tariq Ahmed Shah and his 23-year-old daughter Insha Jan

Altaf Ahmed Bhat condemns illegal and unjustified arrest of Tariq Ahmed Shah and his 23-year-old daughter Insha Jan. PHOTO: EXPRESS

Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement (JKSM) President and Senior Hurriyat Leader Altaf Ahmed Bhat condemned the illegal and unjustified arrest of 50-year-old Tariq Ahmed Shah and his 23-year-old daughter Insha Jan from Lethpora in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) by the National Investigation Agency.

“Despite the offer of support to investigate Pulwana attacks by Pakistan, Indian agencies are trying to find lame excuses to hurt and traumatise innocent Kashmiris,” he said.

Bhat said that Indian agencies and the army have illegally arrested thousands of youth just to destroy their future, and to suppress Kashmiri freedom movement –  which India has failed over the past seven decades.

“Kashmiris are a brave nation and their sacrifices and struggle are immense... they will never surrender due to Indian and Modi's Nazist tactics.”

While addressing media, the  JKSM president appealed to international organisations to intervene and urged big powers to speak up against the atrocities and suppression of Kashmiris in IOK.

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“Indian draconian laws, such as the Public Safety Act, have given unlimited and unlawful rights to agencies and army. Thus, they are using those to illegally detain innocent Kashmiris."

Thousands of mass graves have been identified and reported to international humanitarian organisations, he said, adding, "But no practical implications and support are shown in this regard".

Bhat said, “The young and old whoever are detained by Indian agencies end up in mass graves, psychological trauma, or handicapped.”

Despite the harsh laws, illegal detentions and suppression, Kashmiris are steadfast in the freedom movement and their commitment and sacrifices will never go in vain, he added.

“Kashmiris will get freedom as per the resolutions of the United Nations Right to self-determination.”

Shedding light on the facts and figures of the recent incidents in the disputed territory, Bhat said: “During the month of February, 10 people were killed; total custodial killings were three; people tortured were 30; while 138 civilians were arrested.”
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