'An honour for women peacekeepers to work under UN flag, wear blue berets'

Maj Samia Rehman conducts intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions for air operations

A female officer of the Pakistan Army has said it is an honour for women peacekeepers to work under the United Nations flag and wear the famous blue berets for peace and stability.

"Working under the United Nations flag and wearing a blue beret for peace and stability in the Democratic Republic of Congo is an honour for women peacekeepers," said Major Samia Rehman.

Working for the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in DR Congo (MONUSCO), Maj Rehman conducts intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions for air operations.


In 2019, Major Samia Rehman was awarded a certificate of appreciation by the special representative of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

78 Pakistan Army women peacekeepers serving with distinction across the world

Currently, 78 Pakistan Army women peacekeepers are serving under the umbrella of the UN in various roles across the world.

The country also achieved the goal of 15pc women participation in UN peacekeeping missions in early 2019.

Pakistan Army women peacekeepers are serving as part of Female Engagement Teams (FETs) and as staff officers at various headquarters. Pakistan was also the first country to deploy female engagement teams to Congo on June 19, 2019.

So far, around 450 women peacekeepers from Pakistan have served in UN missions.

The women peacekeepers from Pakistan have won numerous accolades, including tributes at the UN and medals for exceptional performances and services rendered.

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