CDA seeks consultants for building sewerage treatment plant

Facility will be established at Park Enclave phase I and II


The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has started construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) in Park Enclave to improved facilities coupled with positive impact on environment.

The plant will recycle water in gutters and make it useful for irrigation, gardening and maintenance of greenbelts.

The STP would be constructed to cover both phase-I and II of the Park Enclave, said a statement issued by the authority on Sunday.

According to CDA, it has sought proposals for consultancy services for detailed engineering design and construction supervision of STP. As the development of infrastructure network in the project was approaching to completion and large number of allottees have started construction of houses on the allotted plots.

The authority has decided to start work on the sewerage treatment plant after completing construction, the municipal water could be treated to avert water pollution and its negative impacts on the environment. Through this STP sewerage water would be treated in controlled manner and effluent would comply with quality criteria.

Through newspapers advertisements, proposals from reputable consultancy firms registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for detail Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for STP at Park Enclave Phase-I and II. The firms would submit details of similar nature of work undertaken during the last ten years with cost and performance certificates containing all allied data from concerned departments.

Moreover, only the firm with demonstrated experience in similar assignments would be considered in light of technical proposals as per guidelines of PEC. The authority has taken number of steps for facilitating the residents of the capital city coupled with their positive impact on environment of the city in particular. In this context, authority is not ensuring establishment of STPs in all new sectors but the housing societies and other projects are also being compelled to establish their STPs at earliest. Moreover, the authority has also extended to provide technical facilities to housing projects in establishing STPs.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 2nd, 2020.

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