Prince Harry, Meghan will no longer have paid security from Canada

A recent poll found the majority of Canadians are not keen to foot the couples security costs


Canada will no longer pick up the security tab for protecting Prince Harry and his wife Meghan starting in March, the office of Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said Thursday.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been living part-time in an oceanside mansion in westernmost British Columbia province since November.

Last month, they made a shock exit from life as working Royals.


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have provided security for the couple in this country under the internationally protected persons convention.

But that will end "in the coming weeks, in keeping with their change in status," said a statement.

Canadians have been welcoming of the Royal runaways. Local monarchists surveyed by AFP are excited, while tourism groups are even giddier about the prospects of a boost from the global attention on the couple.

Prince Harry requested fans to just call him 'Harry' 

But a recent poll found that 77 percent of Canadian taxpayers were not keen to pay for their security costs.


On Tuesday evening, Harry was photographed arriving at Waverly Station in Edinburg, Scotland wearing jeans, a baseball cap, and his now-signature black Patagonia jacket. Before hopping into a silver Range Rover, Harry surprised on-lookers by carrying his own garment bag like a real non-royal.

Harry has a busy few days ahead of him in his homeland. First up, he’s speaking at a summit for Travalyst, an environmental tourism initiative he helped launch, and, then, a recording session of sorts with Jon Bon Jovi. Meanwhile, Meghan has some “private” business of her own to attend to in London while Harry is away.

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