Thousands of cybercrime cases remain unresolved

Federal Investigation Agency faces lack of resources and tools for forensic examination


Thousands of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) cases against cybercriminals remain unresolved and pending while fraudsters and gangs continue to mint millions of rupees from their victims through blackmailing and the use of sophisticated software.

It is not possible for the FIA to trace and arrest the criminals engaged in leaking private photos and videos of women and officers belonging to the government and private organisations. Even if arrested, it takes several months to investigate the video contents because FIA’s cybercrime wing faces a lack of resources and tools for forensic examination.

FIA’s Lahore cybercrime wing has only two forensic experts for seven districts, owing to which they have been burdened beyond their capacity.

Several citizens have lost their lifelong savings in crimes involving modern technology and software. Students and employees including women continue to upload their videos or private pictures on social media which lands them in hot water when exploited by blackmailers.

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The cybercrime wing of the FIA is responsible for tracking and following up on such cases daily. Reportedly, there are dozens of cases each day.

The investigation agency’s wing has seven districts where people can file their complaints.

After carrying out an inquiry and registration of a case, the FIA seized mobile phones, laptops and other digital recording devices from the suspects and carried out a forensic examination. Later, the FIA traced witnesses to substantiate the evidence and followed up the case to its conclusion.

Lack of information hampers fight against cybercrime

However, Lahore’s FIA cybercrime wing has only two forensic experts who are burdened with over a hundred cases a month, requiring forensic examination of mobile phones, laptops and digital media recovered from the suspects.

As per experts, it takes a whole day to carry out a forensic examination of a mobile phone. Due to a lack of experts at the wing, however, thousands of cases have piled up and are delayed while awaiting forensic examination.

Sources said cases registered with the wing last year still await forensic examination.

A spokesperson for the FIA maintained that new appointments have been made in this regard and the recruits are undergoing training. “The new appointees will be taken on board soon, after which forensic examination will speed up,” he said.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2020.
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