The officials reportedly carried out the operation in Lines Area, Korangi, Liaquatabad and Nazimabad on the basis of intelligence, arresting the five gang members. The suspects were identified as Kamran Amjad, Waqar Ali alias Banto, Asad alias Chota, Shiraz alias Sherry and Adnan alias Addi. Five pistols, said to be used during multiple crimes, were also confiscated from their possession.
Initial investigations revealed that the arrested gang was involved in organised robberies in various areas of the city, looting shops and mugging people outside banks and money exchange services.
The suspects had allegedly also shot dead Inam Ali, a schoolteacher visiting Karachi from Vietnam, for resisting a robbery bid, as well as Muhammad Imadul Salam and Muhammad Imran in Jacob Lines and Taufiq at Sharae Quaideen in separate incidents.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2020.
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