CM dismisses opposition’s criticism

Terms opposition facts and figures on current provincial situation, govt’s performance baseless and far from reality


Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani has said that, in the last 18 months, the opposition parties have only made allegations and spread rumours instead of pointing out any flaws in the provincial government’s performance.

In an address on the floor of the Balochistan Assembly during Monday’s proceedings, he claimed his government was fully aware of provincial issues and was utilizing all resources to resolve people’s problems.

Commenting opposition members’ allegations of government interference in their constituencies, the chief minister said the assembly floor was the appropriate forum for the opposition to highlight issues affecting their constituencies.

He termed the Balochistan Assembly an important forum where the provincial government keenly heard issues raised by opposition members, which he pledged would be earnestly addressed.

The chief minister also termed opposition facts and figures on the current provincial situation and the government’s performance baseless and far from reality. 

Published in The Express Tribune, February 26th, 2020.
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