PTI govt ‘won’t relent’ until hoarders punished

Prices of food items decreased substantially as a result of govt focus, says PM

Prime Minister Imran Khan. PHOTO: PID/FILE

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said there was a “substantial decrease” in the prices of food items, particularly vegetables, as he vowed not to relent until all those involved in creating an “artificial price hike” are unmasked and punished.

“As a result of the government focus on price control, a substantial decrease in prices, especially in vegetable prices, can now be seen. I assure our people that I will not relent until all involved in artificially-created price hikes are identified & punished,” the premier wrote on the micro-blogging site Twitter.

On Feb 21, the prime minister formed a high-powered committee under the FIA chief and tasked it to investigate into the upsurge in prices of sugar, which triggered a crisis at a time when the country was also grappling with wheat flour shortages.

The move came amid crescendoing calls from opposition parties for unmasking instigators of the sugar crisis claiming that some within the inner sanctum of the ruling PTI could also be among the culprits. The FIA has already submitted its report to the prime minister on the flour crisis.

Separately, the prime minister said his government realises the problems faced by the people and reduction in electricity tariffs, energy reforms and overcoming power losses are among priorities of his government.

“The country faces various challenges in the energy sector since the previous governments had put administrative reforms on the backburner. The energy contracts signed in the past are now becoming a burden for the people,” said the premier while chairing a meeting on potential reduction in electricity tariffs.

Attendees at the meeting included Planning Minister Asad Umer, Power Minister Omar Ayub, Minister for Maritime Affairs Syed Ali Haider Zaidi, Finance Adviser Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Special Assistant to PM Nadeem Babar and relevant federal secretaries.

He described the energy sector as vital for the country's economic progress. “The government will try to ensure stability in electricity tariffs and provide maximum relief for the common man,” he added.

“The government is cognisant of the problems faced by electricity consumers and is making efforts to ensure stability in tariffs to facilitate the common man. The government is providing relief to consumers using 100 to 300 of electricity per month.

Proposals for technological development

Minister for Science and Technology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain also briefed Prime Minister Imran on various proposals and steps to increase production of technological items and their export.

The minister told the prime minister that his ministry has identified 252 products in chemicals, bio-technology, machinery, textile, base metals, plastic and others in which foreign reserves could be earned at the international level through enhanced production and by decreasing their import.

In this regard, he said, the ministry has been formulating three-, seven- and 10-year programmes.

Adviser on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood, Minister for Narcotics Control Sheheryar Afridi, the Board of Investment Chairman Zubair Gilani and other senior officials attended the meeting, the PM Office said in a press statement.

The minister also highlighted certain proposals for projects regarding high-tech industrial development.

In the first phase, Fawad said, herbal, food and medicines sectors would be given attention so that export volume of such items could be widened and it could be brought to 3 per cent of overall export of technological items till 2030.

The prime minister was also briefed about the progress on establishment of Jhelum Industrial Bio-technology Park and other related projects. The premier appreciated the proposals for increase in technological products at the national level and assured that the government would fully extend its cooperation.

The minister also briefed the prime minister that the ministry has also retrieved 25 acres of land belonging to the Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) in Lahore from the relatives of a political figure.

The political personality had illegally encroached upon the land which is worth billions of rupees by abusing his power. The prime minister lauded the efforts of the minister and other officials concerned for retrieving the property, the statement said.

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