Watch: Pakistan Women's cricket team win hearts with beatboxing video

Iram Javed accompanied by three other team members have baffled their fans before the championship

The seventh ICC Women's T20 World Cup is scheduled to take place in Australia, between February 21 to March 08, 2020. The final will take place at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on International Women's Day.

Since the announcement, several videos have started circulating on social media of the various cricket teams that will be participating in the tournament. The videos seem to be a fun and engaging way to make people aware of the many skills these women have, aside from cricket.

Thus, it is a pleasure to find the Pakistan women's cricket team making full use of the opportunity to highlight their beatboxing skills. From among the team, a video of four members has gone viral on Facebook with Iram Javed being the beatboxer of the clan.

She can seen holding her bat against her mouth, beatboxing in full force with the captain of the team, Bismah Maroof also being present.

The three join her by moving to the beat of her mouth whilst gesturing in accordance with the rhythm, proving that these women work on their vocal muscles just as much as they do on the others.

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