The Gilgit-Baltistan Cultural Show aims to promote regional harmony

The event was held at Alhamara hall in Lahore

The Gilgit-Baltistan Cultural Show was recently held at the Alhamra hall in Lahore. As the name suggests, the program primarily showcased traditional music and arts of the area.

The show featured 24 delegates  including literary personalities, poets, singers, dancers and intellectuals from Gilgit Baltistan (GB). The audience comprised of people from all walks of life including those that belonged to the GB region.

At the event the audience got a glimpse of the rich and diverse culture of GB with the hall decorated with powerful images of the area.

The show was kicked off by a speech by cheif guest, MPA Sadia Sohail Rana. "Alhamra arranged this show to promote provincial harmony across Pakistan. All five languages of GB are very sweet and the festival is arranged to spread the message of harmony and love among people. Through these festivals, the people of Lahore will understand the real culture of GB," she said.

It was followed by a musical tune called Glow in the beginning. The tune was accompanied by a dance performance called Rasam-e-tau.

The show was organised under the directive Cheif Minister of Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar. The Lahore Arts Council is set to arrange a series of events in the coming days under the directive.

Buzdar's initiative was appreciated by a host of attendees including renowned personalities belonging to the GB region."I am grateful to the Punjab Government who took this step to invite our local artists at Lahore. Our area is full of talent and has a rich cultural history. However are local artists are facing a dearth of opportunities for showcasing their talent. Our request to Prime Minister Imran Khan is that more shows like this are held across various urban cities across Pakistan, so that GB's rich culture can be highlighted," said Hussain Ali Shah Number Dar a renowned social activist from GB.

According to Lahore Arts Council executive director Ather Ali Khan, the development and promotion of rich cultures across Pakistan is the department's topmost priority.

“We give our best to meet the expectation of the people residing in Lahore through such  majestic events.  Gilgit-Baltistan Cultural Show is a beautiful addition to the Lahore literary and cultural atmosphere. Through arranging such cultural shows, peace and harmony would prevail in the country. We need to not only acknowledge each other’s cultures, but also celebrate them. This show aims to  promote national and cultural harmony," said Athar Ali Khan.

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