Drone strikes– the other side

British human rights group contradicts American projections.


An exhibition showing the havoc caused by drone attacks in Pakistan has been put up in London before the photographs are published for the first time next week.

Introducing the exhibition on Thursday, London-based human rights NGO Reprieve founder Clive Stafford Smith and Islamabad-based human rights lawyer Mirza Shahzad Akbar condemned the unmanned aircraft firing missiles in tribal areas, which have led to a huge number of civilian casualties.

The gallery of photographs was obtained by Akbar, which includes images representing families of victims of drone attacks, who have been accumulating evidence on drone strikes and consulting with Reprieve on taking potential legal action in the future.

According to Reprieve, preliminary investigations suggest that the number of innocent victims may be far higher and that, contrary to American claims, the likelihood of the US hitting its intended ‘high-value terrorist’ is low. Without a doubt, victims include significant number of women and children, Reprieve says.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 23rd, 2011.
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