President Alvi, PM Imran reiterate Pakistan's support on Kashmir Solidarity Day

COAS lauds Pakistan's armed forces, says Kashmir strives to gain its independence in light of UN resolution

Officials pray for eternal peace of the departed soul and for courage and strength of the Al Nahyan family.

The nation on Wednesday observed Kashmir Solidarity Day, to express support for the Kashmiri people in their struggle for the right to self-determination under the United Nations resolutions.

In August 2019, India revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir and put the country on lockdown - oppressing the lives of thousands of innocent civilians for over six months.

In separate messages, President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan reiterated Pakistan's continued political, moral and diplomatic support for the people of occupied Kashmir.

President Alvi said India's illegal annexation of the occupied region directly contravened the relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. He further stated that India continued to victimise the innocent Muslims by denying them their right to self-determination.

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The president further reiterated that Pakistan will continue to raise the issue of the occupied region at every forum, adding that the international community has rejected India's human rights violation and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government stands exposed.

"India’s illegal actions of August 5 have further strengthened the bond between the people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan," he said.

The premier also maintained that the brutal treatment by Indian armed forces have fully exposed the government's regard for basic human rights, adding that the international community, human rights organisations and the international media have condemned India's actions.

PM Imran stated that by revoking the special status of the occupied region and deploying over 900,000 troops, India has turned eight million Kashmiris into prisoners in their own homeland.

He further demanded the immediate lifting of the curfew and to release the tens of thousands of innocent people who have been abducted and detained at undisclosed locations.

"India stands before the world, exposed as a majoritarian and authoritarian polity, tramping upon the basic rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people," the prime minister said.

He urged the Indian government to allow international human rights organisations and the international media, access in the occupied region to accurately assess the situation.

Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa said the people of Kashmir are not alone in their struggle, against Indian armed forces.

The army chief said millions of Kashmiris have been imprisoned and India has suppressed the rights of innocent civilians.

He said Kashmir strives to gain its independence in light of the UN resolution and lauded the sacrifices of the armed forces, who are responsible for keeping Kashmir alive.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also demanded that the international community do more in order to support the oppressed people of Kashmir.

He urged India to allow the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission access to the region, in order to ascertain the reports of the gross human rights violation, despite India's biased reporting.

"Each additional second on the lockdown clock is a burden on the world's collective conscience," the foreign minister said.

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Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan, Federal Minister for Interior Brigadier (retd) Ijaz Ahmad Shah and Minister of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Ali Amin Gandapur also sent messages in solidarity.


The government has planned a number of activities to mark the day.

First, a memorandum will be presented to the UN resident coordinator in Pakistan. parliamentarians, female anchorpersons, and women and children will form a human chain and walk towards Serena Hotel to present the memorandum.

The premier will also address the AJK Legislative Assembly in Muzaffarabad to express Pakistan's solidarity with the people of the occupied region.

Pakistanis in UAE observe Kashmir Solidarity Day

A large number of Kashmiri and Pakistani community members based in United Arab Emirates (UAE) attended an event at the Embassy of Pakistan in Abu Dhabi to mark the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ on Wednesday.

Muhammad Saeed Sarwar, Pakistani Charge d’ Affaires of the embassy presided over the function. Special messages of the President and Prime Minister on the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ were read out during the event.

In his remarks, Sarwar lauded the heroic struggle of the Kashmiri people for their right of self-determination. He said that the Solidarity Day was observed to remind the nation and the world about illegal occupation of Kashmir and to highlight the plight of the Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K).

Muhammad Saeed Sarwar, Charge d’ Affaires of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in UAE, addressing ceremony for observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day at Embassy of Pakistan in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday. PHOTO: PAKISTAN EMBASSY

He added that the international community, the human rights organisations, international media and the civil society have all called out India to stop its tyrannical attitude towards Kashmir. Sarwar called upon the international community to take cognisance of the plight of the Kashmiri people who have been subjected to unabated Indian atrocities.

It was highlighted that the government of Pakistan has always forcefully raised the Kashmir issue at the international fora and called upon the United Nations and its member countries to play their role in resolving the decades-old issue in accordance with the UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiris.

The Pakistani Charge d’ Affaires reaffirmed the country’s political, moral and diplomatic support to the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination.

During the event, a documentary was shown depicting the gross human rights violations being committed by the Indian security forces in Kashmir. Students from Pakistan Community Schools also made speeches and sang national and Kashmiri songs on the occasion. The brochures, posters, booklets and articles relevant to the occasion were distributed amongst the participants.

At the end of the function, special prayers were offered for the Kashmiri martyrs and for an early resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people.
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