Boeing eyes developing Israeli technology for light aircraft

The development of a ducted fan propulsion technology

Engineers from Boeing, whose Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg is pictured here, idenftified a fault with a pilot warning system on 737 MAX planes over a year before deadly crashes that left nearly 350 people dead. PHOTO: AFP

Boeing Co said on Wednesday it has agreed with Israel-based Tactical Robotics to explore the development of a ducted fan propulsion technology with potential uses for piloted and autonomous light aircraft.

Financial details were not disclosed.

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Through a joint working group, the two companies will determine what opportunities may exist in developing, producing and marketing vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) products including Tactical Robotics’ own Cormorant autonomous vehicle.

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Due to its compact, Humvee-sized footprint, Cormorant can conduct emergency response missions such as delivering food, water, and supplies during natural disasters or in combat environments, Boeing said. It can also carry up to four patients for medical evacuations.

Aviation ducted fan technology uses a fan mounted in a cylindrical duct to produce thrust. This arrangement can enhance airflow velocity and pressure when compared to an open rotor.
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