Discrepancies found in K-P govt’s 2014-15 audit report

PAC directs recovery of public funds from 9 departments; recommends departmental action on 11 audit paras

Former K-P Chief Minister Pervez Khattak PHOTO ONLINE/FILE

The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Assembly on Tuesday adopted the audit report for the financial year 2014-15 of the previous Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government which unearthed embezzlement of public funds and misuse of public resources.

The nine departments, where the misuse of public funds was unearthed, were directed to return the money to the provincial exchequer.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has observed 198 audit paras and settled 95 out of the total, while directed departmental actions on 11 and referred 18 to the sub-committees for further action.

The PAC has sought detailed reports on 10 paras, while four have been left untouched because the matters were pending in the courts.

The PAC report also uncovered the misuse of public resources while extra allowances have been claimed and funds have been released under the head salaries.

The public funds have been misused on procurement while contractors and suppliers have been paid extra amount of money for delivery of the required goods, the report said.

Resolution demands facilities at Pak-Afghan border trade points

The provincial assembly also unanimously passed a resolution seeking provision of trade and other facilities at all the points of Pak-Afghan border, setting up of food testing laboratories across the province.

The Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) lawmaker Shafiq Afridi moved a resolution in the assembly session chaired by Speaker Mushtaq Ghani.

Afridi demanded that equal facilities at all border points on the Pak-Afghan should be provided. He said Wagha border in Punjab, Chaman border and Gwadar Pak-Iran border in Balochistan, Srinagar border point in Muzzafarabad and Kasghar border point in Gilgit-Baltistan have been equipped with latest facilities for trade while the Pak-Afghan border in K-P have been deprived of such facilities.

The resolution recommended the federation to ensure provision of all trade and other facilities at all border points on Pak-Afghan border including Torkham border point in Khyber district, Gorsal border point in Mohmand district, Ghulam Khan border point in North Waziristan and Angoor Adda in South Waziristan to provide business and other opportunities to locals.

The resolution said that people of the tribal districts have rendered great sacrifices for the sake of motherland in war against terror. Now, after merger of tribal areas with K-P, the government should take steps to provide them all basic facilities in recognition of their sacrifices.

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf leader Zeenat Bibi moved a resolution recommending setting up of food testing laboratories across the province with a view to ensure provision of quality food to people.

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz parliamentary in the K-P Assembly also moved a resolution, saying, the people of K-P were facing discriminatory treatment in Sindh when it comes to access to basic facilities and getting jobs. The resolution said people of K-P should be given equal opportunities in Sindh.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 8th, 2020.
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