Suri, Kamal pay tribute to Father of the Nation

Province marks Quaid’s birth anniversary with zeal, renewed commitment

Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal and others pose with students in a group photo during a ceremony in Ziarat. PHOTO: EXPRESS

The 144th birth anniversary of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was observed throughout Balochistan with zeal and a renewed commitment to work hard for the progress and prosperity of the country and the province.

A special ceremony was held at the Quaid’s residency in Ziarat where Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani and Deputy Speaker of National Assembly Qasim Khan Suri hoisted the national flag.

Commander Southern Command Lieutenant General Wasim Ashraf, Inspector General Frontier Corps Balochistan North Major General Syed Fayyaz Hussain Shah, provincial ministers, advisers, and members of Balochistan Assembly, tribal chieftains, schoolchildren and people from different walks of life also participated. National songs were sung by students of different schools on traditional and folk beats.

Addressing on the occasion, Suri said the present government of Pakistan Tehreek-i- Insaf is following the doctrines and principles left by the Father of the Nation.

“By following the footprints of Quaid-i-Azam, targets of a true welfare and democratic state will surely be achieved,” said Suri, adding that the concept of Two Nations Theory was given by Quaid almost eight decades ago and its significance is acknowledged more than ever in today’s world.

“The way the ruling BJP government has introduced the citizenship act while abolishing the constitutional rights of the Muslims in the occupied Kashmir with its inhumane and discriminatory tactics prove that racial, cultural, religious, ethnic and other differences still exist in India,” he said.

Suri said at least 80 million Muslims of Indian held Kashmir were facing atrocities inflicted by the Indian Army. Talking about minorities living in Pakistan, he maintained that they were enjoying equal rights and powers.

“The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees equal rights to every citizen of the country without any discrimination,” Suri said, adding that the decisive Freedom Movement headed by the Quaid was a manifestation of his political insight and sagacity, as well as his firm commitment to the ideals of democracy and rule of law till his last breath.

Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani also paid tribute to the great leader on the occasion and said by the continuous, tiring efforts and struggle of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, a dream of a sovereign state for the Muslims of the subcontinent was achieved.

“The enemies of Pakistan have been intriguing against the Islamic Republic but every conspiracy against our motherland would be thwarted,” Kamal said, observing that Quaid-i-Azam was a visionary man, who had envisaged a separate identity and a political direction for the Muslims of the subcontinent.

“The insight of vision can be witnessed even today with the prevailing conditions in India and in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Today is a special day in the history of our homeland," Kamal said.

Quaid-i-Azam had called Kashmir the ‘jugular vein’ of Pakistan, and on this day we reaffirm our commitment that the entire Pakistani nation stands united, solid as a rock, behind their Kashmiri people, he added.

The CM said that the people were indebted to the great Quaid for enabling them to live freely with their preserved social, cultural and religious identity.

“Quaid’s charisma inspired the Muslims of South Asia during the tough times. He was amongst the greatest leaders of the 20th century and had inspired millions across the world,” Kamal said.

Lieutenant General Wasim Ashraf, Commander Southern Command, also addressed on the occasion and said time has proven that Mohammad Ali Jinnah eight decades back correctly predicted the future of the subcontinent and laid foundations of a sovereign state.

“Enemies of the motherland have been conspiring against the sovereignty of the country, but all their attempts will fail,” he affirmed.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 26th, 2019.
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