The heart-aching decision

While nuclear weapons have made Pakistan’s defence impregnable, hybrid warfare weakens it from inside

Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf. PHOTO: FILE

Millions of Pakistani hearts ached when the news about former army chief General Pervez Musharraf’s death penalty made the headlines on media channels across the world. Indeed, accusing an ex-army chief as a traitor is painful. It is rude, ridiculous and insane for any national army — which seeks its strength from the people and has continuously been graded among the top world class armies based on criterions of professionalism, selflessness and dedication — to be treated this way.

The armed forces of Pakistan is the most respected institution of the country. Almost every Pakistani youth desires to join it and win respect by serving the country. The armed forces have always been on the forefront without seeking any acknowledgements for rendering their services that demand sacrifices. Whether it be nation-building, relief in case of natural calamity including earthquakes and floods, or national responsibilities for instance the elections or census, the armed forces of Pakistan have delivered the utmost of their perfection. Such duties are way beyond their call of duty, yet they have been doing it for civilian support.

On the front, whether it is about international borders or fight against an unknown enemy in the war on terrorism, officers and troops alike obey orders without fearing for their lives. The verdict against the ex-army chief, whom the troops love from the core of their hearts, is definitely painful and could be exploited by the enemy. In addition, how is it possible for an army chief who fought wars — with his soldiers in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with the enemy on the borders — to commit high treason?

For the country’s sake, try to understand that the armed forces fight wars and deliver peace with a singular motivation of ‘comradeship’. Don’t disturb it. The nation sleeps with comfort because soldiers stand alert on borders. Let it also be admitted that the enemy ingresses into our streets and drawing rooms. Borders are no more geographical but have been extended to ideological and social bounds. While nuclear weapons have made Pakistan’s defence impregnable, the alternate hybrid warfare doctrine has been fully employed to weaken Pakistan from inside. Pitching the strong state organs against each other could result into domestic anarchy. An anarchic society is understandably the best choice for any hybrid war commander. Punishing an army chief over high treason and accusing him of being a traitor thus ached millions of Pakistanis who love the Armed Forces of Pakistan. In February 2019, the Pakistan Armed Forces had proven their mettle and made the Indians bleed for their coward act of infiltrating Pakistani borders. The decision must have inflicted a serious blow to the morale of soldiers fighting all along the borders.

Let the decision be projected in a national security perspective. Pakistan, which is a gateway to the civilisations, has remained subjected to the crisscrossed interests of super and major powers. Thus, security paradigm has been dominant in domestic and foreign-policy making. Besides a unique geographical advantageous state, Pakistan has always been seen as a major power among the Muslim ummah. This further makes Pakistan a leading state not only at the regional but also the global level. The security sensitivities, thus, naturally give a tangible role to the armed forces to contribute to ensuring sovereignty duly supported by the Constitution. The role of the armed forces, thus, has to be institutionalised and accepted by the power corridors. Only a joint response could mitigate the hybrid form of warfare. It is not about sharing of power but rather a national security requirement.

In the regional context, India has been in the whirlpool of domestic uprising since early 2019, which could result into its fragmentation. While it was still licking its February 2019 wounds inflicted by the Pakistan Air Force, India is subjected to an unprecedented resentment and bloody demonstrations against the discriminated citizenship act and grave human rights violations in IOK. Putting one’s self in the Indian strategic planners’ shoes, the best choice for attention diversion of its domestic and international audience is to initiate a war with Pakistan. The Indian prime minister has already spewed hatred against Pakistan domestically and has effectively used ‘Hindutva’ vis-à-vis the Muslim population in and around India. The Indian hardliners at the helm of affairs would not leave the opportunity to hurt Pakistan especially when its armed forces are put to doubt with regard to their sincerity, professionalism, and patriotism. It is alarming and worrisome. However, the ones who know the Pakistan Armed Forces would acknowledge that the soldiers would never deviate from their parent responsibility of defending ideological and geographic borders, come what may. Enemies of Pakistan will not succeed in their nefarious designs because the armed forces are awake. The response by the DG ISPR on the verdict against a former army chief was extremely restrained, mature and calculated. Let the armed forces make the nation prosper in a secured environment with high morale. Let the comradeship, soldiery and professionalism continue to be the hallmark of our armed forces and avoid instigating inter-institutional rivalry which by no standards will go in favour of the nation’s secured future.

In the end, it goes without saying that civilian supremacy is a must for any civilised society; however, it comes with responsibility. Our politicians, albeit not everyone, have to be mature and sincere. They will have to shed away the synonymised identity of corruption and politics.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 26th, 2019.

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