I think I was too harsh on myself while growing up: Mawra Hocane

The star is one on one with her fans through hashtag #AskMawra on Twitter

Mawra Hocane has been trending on Twitter since quite sometime now and it seems the celebrity has started the Hashtag #AskMawra, which is inviting users to ask her whatever they want.

In light of which, the actor responded to a recent question asking about the advice she would give to her younger self. In response the actor said she would want her to go easy on herself.

"I think I was too harsh on myself while growing up. I’d tell myself to take it easy and that everything will be alright eventually."

The star revealed her childhood struggles as she went onto say that everything eventually falls into place.

She was also questioned by another fan about how she manages to do everything she does. The user claimed to have been tweeting from India and called herself Mawra's 'biggest fan'.

"How do you manage so many things all at once? Don't you ever lose calm? If you do (which you must) how do you restore your energy and what do you do in your pass time? I am your biggest fan by the way, loads of love from India"

To this the star responded by saying that she does in fact lose her calm, but prays to God when things go wrong. Further opening up about her struggles.

"I do, sometimes I am also a mess.. all over the place but then I pray to get perspective & I also make mama pray for me," the star said. 

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