Japan pledges Rs697.5m for polio eradication

Grant will help procure oral polio vaccine

So far 94 polio cases have surfaced in Pakistan this year out of which 22 reported from Bannu alone. PHOTO: REUTERS

The government of Japan has provided Rs697.5 million grant to support the supply of the essential oral polio vaccine (OPV).

This vaccine will enable the programme to reach more than 20 million under five children in Pakistan during vaccination drives planned from December 2019 to November 2020.

The notes of the grant were signed and exchanged on Wednesday between the Japanese government, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef). Special Assistant to PM for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Dr Zafar Mirza, officials and dignitaries were present on the occasion.

According to a statement, a total of 22.69 million doses will be procured under this grant which will support in vaccination of an estimated 20 million children for case response or mop-up activities.

This will enable the programme to continue its efforts for closing immunity gaps among children under five years old.

“Pakistan is currently facing a challenging situation in polio eradication. However, the government is committed to making all-out efforts to ensure all children receive the essential vaccine. It is a topmost priority of the government to make Pakistan polio-free,” said Mirza during the signing ceremony.

“Continuous support from the Japanese government and partners will help us to maintain high-quality campaigns and reach every child in Pakistan with this essential polio vaccine,” he continued while expressing gratitude to Japanese government and other partners.

“We expect the government of Pakistan to take further initiative and redouble its effort to eradicate polio including educating the people in need how dangerous polio virus will be” said Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim Japanese Yusuke Shindo.

“Unicef is thankful to the people and the government of Japan for their generous contributions to the Pakistan Polio Eradication Programme. The new grant comes at a time when the country is facing challenges to stopping poliovirus circulation. This funding will immensely contribute to strengthening immunity among children,” said Unicef Representative Aida Girma.

“I am confident that with the sustained commitment from Pakistan and strong support from all partners, together we will be able to reach our goal, polio-free Pakistan.”

“We are proud that JICA can contribute to admirable efforts to protect Pakistani children from polio through this vaccine procurement,” said JICA Chief Representative Shigeki Furuta.

“JICA expects that the vaccine, the only way to strengthen children’s immunity, will be used effectively with the understanding of parents and communities, and the efforts of frontline workers,” he further added while speaking at the occasion 

Published in The Express Tribune, December 12th, 2019.
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