5 healthy drinks to consume in the winter time

These easy recipes will help boost immunity and improve digestion


The winter season is here and during this time a lot of us tend to be lazy and instead of preparing meals many of us opt for lattes and hot chocolates, or ready to eat food items.

However, doing this continuously can lead to weight gain and other health complications as these options are loaded with empty calories, preservatives and so forth.

As winter is a time where flu and fever are everywhere, choose these easy winter drinks that will help boost immunity as well as aid with digestion. They will also keep you warm!

Besan Milk aka Besan Sheera


For this simple and humble beverage, you just need a few ingredients which are easily available in any household. For the same, you need ghee aka clarified butter, besan, few almonds, some milk, and chickpea powder. The drink is rich in iron and proteins and helps to keep cold and cough at bay during winters.

Melt the ghee in a small pot, then add chickpea flour and stir the two together until the  flour becomes dark yellow/golden in color and gives off a nutty aroma. Stir in the spices, then add the milk and sweetener. Mix well. Once the milk is hot, turn off the heat. This drink is best served hot and before bed.

Hot turmeric milk


A desi childhood favourite, this is a beverage loaded with nutrients that will boost your immune system over the winter. The ingredients includes milk, ground turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, peppercorn, honey and nutmeg among others. If you do not feel like having dinner one can go ahead and drink this.

Ginger tea


A warm cup of tea is a great idea for winters, however, ideally one should opt for ginger-based tea. Health experts say ginger has many healing and medicinal properties and that's why this tea is a perfect hot beverage during the cold season.  One can add cardamom, cinnamon, and mint leaves as well. Have this herbal concoction and keep winter diseases at bay.

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Ragi Malt


Ragi aka naachni is one of the ultimate winter food items as it keeps the body warm and also helps to deal with winter woes. The drink is high in fiber, calcium and also promotes weight loss. For the savory version, ragi mixture is cooked in water. Then after cooling in this ragi mixture, buttermilk is added. Some more ingredients like cumin powder, onions, curry leaves etc can be included also.

Ashwagandha milk 


Milk, ashwagandha powder, cardamom, black pepper, dry fruits and ghee are the few ingredients you need for the recipe. This particular hot beverage has several health benefits such as boosting testosterone, calms the mind, helps to get better sleep and weight gain, among others.

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