Govt to provide Rs16b subsidy on wheat cultivation

Farmers are being encouraged to follow recommendations for better yields


The government has decided to provide a Rs16 billion subsidy to farmers, under the national agriculture emergency programme, for wheat cultivation over a period of five years.

A spokesman for the agriculture department said the target for this season had been set at 19.6 tonnes and wheat was sown over an area of 62 million acres.

A bag of Rs1,200 is being subsidised on eight to nine varieties of seeds. A bag of 50kg seeds costs around Rs2,700. Average wheat production in Punjab is around 28 to 30 maunds per acre with a target of seven maund increase per acre. This will make it easier to achieve the overall goal.

The department of agriculture is trying to convince the farmers to do the maximum cultivation of wheat and to follow the recommendations of the agriculture department to achieve greater and better yields.

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Along with the use of selected seeds, guidance can be given to the department on land preparation, timely use of water, fertilisers and pesticides use.

During this season, farmers are being given a subsidy of Rs9 billion for the purchase of seeds, fertilisers, pesticides and agricultural machinery.

Punjab Agriculture (Extension) Director General Dr Anjum Ali said registered wheat farmers were being given a subsidy of Rs1,200 per bag on selected seeds of up to 435,000. Vouchers worth Rs1,200 in seed bags were also included so that farmers can get the subsidy.

In addition, subsidy on the purchase of various types of pesticides for the disposal of agricultural machinery fertilisers and herbs is underway.

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He said competitions among farmers would be conducted to obtain better crops of wheat.

Dr Anjum Ali added that up to a 50% subsidy is being provided on agricultural machinery.

Similarly, a Rs1 billion subsidy was been placed on gypsum purchase. Farmer’s consultation for zinc and organic methods of farming were also included in the project.

He said these measures aim to increase overall wheat production. “This year, our wheat production target is to achieve 19.6 million tonnes of wheat,” he concluded.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 26th, 2019.
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