Shafqat Mehmood elected president of UNESCO's Education Commission

Terms his election victory as an honour for Pakistan and an acknowledgement of his work in the field of education

Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood elected President of UNESCO's Education Commission. PHOTO: RADIO PAKISTAN

Federal Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mahmood was unanimously elected as the president of UNESCO's prestigious Education Commission in Paris.

Mahmood termed his election victory as an honour for Pakistan and an acknowledgement of his work in the field of education for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

He added that he would continue to pursue UNESCO's objectives and will work closely with all delegations in a constructive manner in his capacity as the president of education commission.

Mahmood further said that he would assist to build peace through international cooperation in education, sciences and culture and to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030.

Separately, education minister held bilateral meetings with Ministers of Education of Bangladesh, Norway and Tunisia. He also met assistant director generals of UNESCO for education and culture.

During the meetings, he stressed the need for greater cooperation at bilateral and international level to ensure access to education to all school-going children and to bring about quantum improvement in the higher education sector.

With Pakistan in the chair, the education commission would take up a heavy agenda deliberating on UNESCO’s future strategy and programmes for literacy, global/regional coordination for the implementation of SDG 4 –Education 2030.

The commission will also work on ways and means to move towards a global classification framework for teacher policy dialogue besides finalizing the draft text of the global convention on the recognition of higher education qualifications.

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