Pakistan calls for steps to prevent outer space weaponisation

Islamabad raises concern over India's testing of anti-satellite capable weapon

Pakistan’s delegate Husham Ahmed. PHOTO: RADIO PAKISTAN

Pakistan has called for steps to prevent outer space from emerging as a new realm of conflict and arms race, Radio Pakistan reported on Monday.

Islamabad's delegation at the United Nations expressed concern over threats posed by anti-satellite missile tests to regional and global stability.

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Speaking in a debate on Outer Space matters at the General Assembly’s Disarmament and International Security Committee, Pakistan's delegate, Husham Ahmed, drew attention to India's testing of anti-satellite capable weapon in an operation code-named ‘Mission Shakti’.

The delegate further explained that other state could soon follow in India's footsteps by demonstrating such capabilities in the absence of strong legal instruments regulating the testing, development and deployment of anti-satellite weapons.

He added that the potential integration of Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) systems and their components into space assets adds another worrying dimension to this matter.

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The delegate also said that Pakistan is firmly against the weaponisation of outer space, calling it our common heritage.

Ahmed further urged the disarmament committee to take swift action and commence negotiations on Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space to comprehensively address the gaps in international legal regime governing the exploration and use of outer space.

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