K-P opposition walks out on corruption issue

Demands probe into Ehtesab Commission dissolution

K-P Assembly. PHOTO: AFP

The opposition and treasury benches exchanged barbs in a fiery session of the K-P Assembly in which issues of the dissolved K-P Ehtesab Commission, corruption charges and other issues pertaining to the province were raised by the opposition which also demanded a probe commission be set up to resolve the issues.

However, after voting their request was declined as a result of which the opposition staged a walkout from the assembly.

The assembly session resumed under the chairmanship of K-P Deputy Speaker Mahmood Jan, while only fourteen members were present in the session as most of the treasury members were absent from the proceedings.

An ANP member from lower Dir  Bhadur Khan inquired from the speaker about the sports stadium in his constituency, which was referred to the concerned committee.

PPP member Nighat Orakzai also raised the question of the dissolved  Ehtesab Commission, on which the deputy speaker was informed that despite handing over record of the devolved institution to establishment department no progress has been made, which led to an exchange of harsh words between the chair and the opposition member Nighat Orakzai.

Millions were spent on the K-P Ehtisab commission while no outcome was ever witnessed by the house as it was a plan to provide the cover to the former DG of the Ehtisab commission as corruption was perceived in the whole case the opposition alleged.

The opposition leader in the house Akram Khan Durrani told the house that those who created the K-P Ehtesab commission, are to blame for the mess after the commission had arrested Ziaullah Afridi on corruption charges

The watchdog body was closed down as it was about to implicate members of the treasury in corruption cases.

We would never give anyone an escape route from the procedure of accountability and the case of Malajabba would be reopened for the trail, as it has besmirched the tradition and name of the province. said Durrani

Responding to the opposition members' queries the K-P Minister for Law Sultan Mahmood Khan disclose that Ehteshab Commission was established as K-P NAB was not delivering results.

He went on to say that all information and details of cases would be disclosed in the assembly soon.

During the interim period we have shared details of the K-P Ehtesab commission with the house and soon details of who has been arrested and on what charges will be disclosed to the house.

On this point Durrani questioned as to why Lt Gen (retd) Hamid Khan, who was holding the post of Director General Ehtesab Commission was ousted from office and demanded that directions of the house should be respected and a probe commission should be formed to investigate all issues pertaining to the K-P Ehtesab commission.

The  law minister rejected the proposal of the opposition and told the house that he had joined the house to bring change and deliver to the public, on which the speaker sought the consent of the house which wasrejected by the treasury benches with majority.

Thereafter the opposition benches walked out of the house to which the speaker remarked they 9opposition) had called the session and they are not taking interest into the house proceedings.

The PTI members Fazal Hakeem and Liaquat Ali have also supported the speaker stances and adjourned the house still 4 Friday.

Earlier the assembly tabled the protection, implementation of the human rights amended bill 2019, under which regional offices are to be established under the chairmanship of the deputy commissioner chairmanship in all districts and who will be authorised to devolve the authorities to their offices in their respective districts.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 2nd, 2019.
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