PM off to Saudi Arabia in bilateral boost

Kashmir situation, attack on oil fields to dominate discussions

Prime Minister Imran Khan will leave for a two-day visit to Saudi Arabia on Thursday (today) as part of a diplomatic effort to highlight the grave situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) before his visit to New York to attend the UN General Assembly session.

During the visit, the prime minister will apprise the Saudi leadership of the impact of Indian actions in the occupied part of the Himalayan valley, particularly human rights violations in the wake of New Delhi’s unilateral actions of August 5.

PM Imran is also expected to reiterate “complete diplomatic and other support” to Saudi Arabia in the wake of the attack on its oil facilities.

According to federal government sources, Pakistan’s answer would be in the positive if the kingdom seeks any such assistance.

PM Imran has been in regular contact on the Kashmir issue with Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman as well, while the two leaders also had a telephonic conversation after Monday’s attack that has had an adverse impact on the kingdom’s oil output as well as global oil prices.
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