SCBA questions ‘illegal appointments’

Lawyers to hold protests & boycott court proceedings until retired judges are sacked from private institutions

SCBA President Amanullah Kanrani. PHOTO: ONLINE

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Amanullah Kanrani has said retired judges have been illegally appointed in tribunals and other institutions, from where they are drawing huge salaries and other perks in violation of laws.

“Lawyers community across Pakistan will hold protests and boycott court proceedings until retired judges are sacked from private institutions and tribunals,” the SCBA president said while addressing a news conference on Saturday at the Quetta Press Club.

Speaking about the ongoing human rights violation in Kashmir, he said Pakistan has not backed down from the Kashmir issue despite having lost hundreds of innocent lives in the war against terrorism.

“The entire nation should come together to highlight Indian violations in IOK because we are the only nation that could expose New Delhi’s oppressive agenda,” Kanrani added.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 15th, 2019.
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