Toss up: Mushk Kaleem

Mushk Kaleem gets candid

LSA winner for best emerging talent in fashion, Mushk Kaleem plays a round of rapid fire with us! Find out all about this beauty with brains who’s taking the fashion world by storm!

How did you decide to become a model?

I’d always been told by a lot of people to go for modelling because I’m almost 6 feet tall. I always thought modelling could be something I could do on the side, but never thought of it as a full time job. My life changed for the best when Tabesh Khoja discovered me back in 2015 and asked me to go for modelling. I didn’t think much of it as I was studying at the time. I took his offer two years later in November 2017, when he gave me another opportunity to join the industry. It’s been a year and a half now and it has been quite an eventful journey. Thanks to him, I feel like modelling has always been my calling.

If you were not a model, what would you be?

A criminal defence lawyer. I grew up watching Boston Legal and I’ve always been passionate about public speaking. Who knows, maybe I’ll still pursue it later in life.

If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive who would it be?

Probably Drake. People who know me, know my love for him.

Describe yourself in three words?

Relentless, fierce and loyal.

What are the three fashion trends you love at the moment?

1) Solids - I’m not a fan of prints and I love how people are moving away from anything that’s too busy or distracting.

2) All - white everything.

3) Flared wide - legged jeans and bootcut pants.

What would be your trademark accessory?

A pair of black, reflective sunglasses.

Top three favourite models?

Naomi Campbell, Kendall Jenner and Joan Smalls.

Any hidden talent/talents?

I can act pretty well. I have a background in theatre.

Biggest pet peeve?

Bad breath and people who chew loudly or talk with their mouth full. Ugh.

Three things you can never leave your house without?

Money, my phone and my Zero Makeup Palette.

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which one would you choose?


If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Biryani! The most Karachi thing about me.

First celebrity crush?

James Spader (Alan Shore from Boston Legal).

One super power you wish to possess?

Time travelling. I would love to visit the 80s!

Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of someone else?

Neither. I love living in the oblivion.

Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside?

A suitcase with five million dollars. I already have all the love I can possibly need and more, from my friends and family!

What was the last lie you told?

I told a few people that I was busy when I really wasn’t just to avoid meeting them.

When was the last time you were really scared and why?

When I was travelling in an ATR from Islamabad to Lahore and there was some major turbulence. I’d recited all of my duas because I literally thought I wasn’t going to make it out alive. I’m absolutely terrified of flying.

One bad habit you want to quit but are unable to?

I am a perfectionist. It has gotten to the point where it has started to annoy people around me because I try to impose my rules and restrictions on them.

What’s the best and worst thing about your job?

The best part would be the exposure and the fact that modelling makes you tough and you get to learn something new every single day. It has made me more patient, tolerant and passionate. The worst would be the stereotypical notoriety still attached to the industry. That’s something I’m really working to change. Here’s to hoping and praying that we all can make it happen. Cheers!
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