Coke Studio 12: All you need to know about Rohail Hyatt’s comeback season

Founder of the iconic show returns to the spotlight after five years

Rohail Hayat is the mastermind behind Coke Studio. PHOTO: RIZWANUL HAQ

Many Coke Studio fans weren’t happy when the show didn’t release on August 14.

While there were various explanations for the decision, it was quite evident that it had something to do with Rohail Hyatt taking over the reins of the show once again. This isn’t, however, the first time that Hyatt was offered to take over the show after he left in 2013.

This is, though, the first time that the negotiations between the maestro and the brand actually led to something conclusive – or to put it more directly – the brand simply ran out of options after the experiments last year delivered the numbers but also some unwanted memes. Both sides have remained mum on this transition but things have been going Hyatt’s away since he came on board, sources say.


In fact, it was Hyatt’s decision not to release his comeback season with an introductory patriotic number. “That is not his style. He has always preferred a simple promo featuring all the artists, instead of a patriotic number,” a source told The Express Tribune. This is why it is understandable that the show didn’t even release on Independence Day.

One must keep in mind that the decision to start the season with a patriotic song must have been hard to resist, especially given the heightened tensions with India and how deeply they have affected public sentiment in Pakistan.


Coke Studio is a huge project that spans around three months excluding the time for planning and pre-production research. A new team meant a fresh set of contracts and negotiations for the show which is why Season 12 was always bound to be a slow rollout. The line-up and planning were in the process of being finalised until February-March, which was the time when the production phase would usually commence.

Naturally, delays were expected and so, even if a patriotic beginning to the season was on the cards, it was highly unlikely for the show to release on Independence Day. September 6, or Defence Day, was also an option but it would have been too close to Ashura.



It seems like Hyatt has consciously circumvented around all the offers and chances to release the season or cover an anthem, and made way for the likes of Xulfi to do the honours with Hum Ek Hain. Hint: Xulfi will be seen more actively involved with the fizzy drink next year.

Coke Studio Season 12 will finally release early in October.

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