Lodhi apprises UN chief over humanitarian crisis in IOK

Says India’s illegal annexation of IOK is threatening global peace and security

PHOTO: Maleeha Lodhi's twitter.

Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi on Tuesday said she apprised the UN Secretary-General regarding the humanitarian crisis in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

The ambassador took to social media to state that she met with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and emphasised the urgency of dealing with the atrocities in the occupied valley.


She noted that it was day 36 of the curfew imposed by the Indian armed forces.

Ambassador Lodhi briefed the secretary-general about the political and humanitarian crisis after India’s illegal annexation of IOK which is threatening global peace and security.

PHOTO: Maleeha Lodhi's twitter.

Previously, Lodhi met UN Security Council (UNSC) President Joanna Wronecka and briefed her about India’s illegal actions in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The meeting was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York where Lodhi apprised Wronecka about India’s continued violations of UNSC resolutions.

Lodhi also handed a letter from Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi to UN Secretary-General António Guterres asking him to ensure full compliance of its own resolutions in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK).

The letter, ‘categorically rejects the illegal Indian annexation of occupied J&K in express violation of SC resolutions’.
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